Sponsor Samrong Education Centre

Children of the Mekong has operated in Cambodia since 1991. Our Education Centre in Samrong supports disadvantaged children and enables them to pursue a secondary and high school education, as well as participate in extracurricular and self-development activities.

Support the children of Samrong with a collective sponsorship

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Threats to education in North-West Cambodia

Samrong is the capital city of Otdar Meanchey province, located in remote Northwest Cambodia. It is the most landmine-ridden area of Cambodia, where educational opportunities for children are severely limited. In Otdar Meanchey province, there are only 36 secondary schools compared to 210 primary schools and 45.7% of the population is defined as poor.

This leads to many children discontinuing their education, to help support their families, often engaging in paddy farming or work across the Thai border. Without attaining their secondary diploma, these children will not have the opportunity to take part in higher education, thus severely limiting their career prospects in the future.

Samrong Education Centre

Samrong education centre offers to 64 children and young people, the chance to continue their schooling. In addition to accommodation and food, they receive daily extra classes that are compulsory in Cambodia. Because of the low wages, teachers would not teach the whole programme during school hours, and students need to pay extra classes to learn and be able to pass exams.

Finally, Children of the Mekong has been developing over the years a holistic programme to help young people become responsible and well-rounded individuals.


How the sponsorship money is used

The collective sponsorship participates in the running costs of the centre (food, water, electricity, wages of the teachers and staff). On top of this, each student is given 30,000 ($7.5) each month for them to buy their breakfast, knowing that 1,000 riels allow them to get a small bottle of water and a bun. Finally, every sponsored child is given a hygiene kit each month containing bars of soap, washing powder, toothpaste, shampoo and sanitary towels for the girls. Their success at school is also dependant on their good health.

For back to school, in October, we organised a “bike day” during which each sponsored child who just arrived in the centre received a personal bicycle which they will need to get to school. It is an effective way of teaching children to take care of their possessions.

Han, sponsored child at the Samrong Education Centre in Cambodia

I am 17 and I live with my grandparents in my village as my mother is in Thailand. My family is very poor, and my mother told me: “I don’t have any money to give to you, so you have to study and find the money yourself”.

I am in Grade 12 and have been at the centre since I entered Grade 7. When I was in my village, I didn’t have any friends and I used to play with the boys. Ever since I arrived at the centre, I have gained brothers and sisters, many nice friends. The food is very tasty. I can play many games, but even better, I can study, especially English, which is a subject I didn’t know before, I find it very fun.

Children of the Mekong is teaching me how to become a better person, how to study well to have a beautiful future and a great job when I will finish my studies. Finally, I want to thank you, you and Children of the Mekong for your help.

You can make a difference today.

With £28 a month, you can support Samrong education centre!

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