Supporting Filipino youths’ education at the Cebu Centre
Funds raised so far: 20%
Presentation of Project:
The Children of the Mekong centre in Cebu welcomes 47 students coming from extremely poor families. The centre is in the South of the Philipines, on the namesake island Cebu which hosts over 700 000 inhabitants.
At university, they study a variety of different topics such as engineering, finance, accounting, human resources, psychology, social studies, education and more. Thanks to their study grants they have the means to do everything possible to make their dreams come true, and they hope to one day become recognised professionals and help their families.
During their entire curriculum, the students from the centre are monitored and accompanied by a support team: a Bamboo volunteer, a social worker, a centre coordinator and three educational trainers. Together they look after the personal development of each student, encourage them, guide them, empower them, and set up complementary human and professional training activities.
Thank you for your support!
Testimony from Christian Jaralve
I would never have come this far without Children of the Mekong. I come from a family of 11. I am the eldest since my two older brothers and sisters got married. Life was hard during my years at university. But thanks to the Children of the Mekong family who accepted me and choose me as a scholarship holder, my life totally changed. I was able to cope financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually with their constant guidance and total support. I finished the race, I fought during my university years, I graduated as Valedictorian of my class. I will never give in and waste the opportunity they have provided me. The child they support today will indeed take care of his nation tomorrow.
Children of the Mekong hired me as a social worker for the Cebu and Bohol centres on the 1st of December 2020.
Students tend to struggle with virtual learning environment. Most of them dislike this new environment because it is new and challenging and they have no one to physically guide them through the process. The fear of being all alone in this process, coupled with a slow Internet connection, both at their teachers’ homes and here at the centre, are major challenges.
During my exchanges with them, I realized that their mental health was greatly affected by this sudden shift in the learning environment. There are some very sensitive cases as being in a new and unfamiliar environment can trigger traumatic experiences in the past.
As such, I have scheduled regular consultations with these students, during which I take the time to listen to their stories. We also organise activities to help them understand their emotions and relieve their stress.
Every Saturday morning, the students have a Zumba session, co-organised by a dancing club. On Sundays, they are free to go to the cinema, do some karaoke, play games outdoors and use their mobile phones, but not to play video games or use social media.
In brief, we keep inventing new solutions to face this pandemic. I hope that the scholarship holders will be able to leave the town soon so as to freshen up their minds after staying in the centre for so long.